I have some more randomness to talk about, actually. The first random thing is...it's allergy season! Hooray! Haha, I have not been able to stop sneezing in rapid-fire succession. This morning I sneezed 24 times in a span of like 3 minutes before I finally gave up and got a kleenex out of my bag. I thought I would be safe in the heart of Madrid since there's not so many trees, but I forgot about wind, so there you go. It's more annoying than anything, don't worry. So, today I get to go on an adventure to the pharmacy because I'm a little tired of having to buy a new box of kleenex every 5 days!
More randomness: I saw the musical Chicago the other week! It's playing on Madrid's "Broadway" more or less, and I thought it was too funny to pass up. Of course, it was all in Spanish, but I actually understood a lot of it. I would just sometimes get lost with the song lyrics. The set was great, and the tickets were really cheap too. The weird thing was, you had to pay 1 euro for a program, so I ended up not buying one...I always lose them anyway!
OH my gosh! I forgot, the best part of the day was when Kruse and I went and stood on this old bridge from the 14th century and looked over to the Tajo River. There was this little waterfall down there, and I was looking at it, and all of a sudden THERE WAS A FISH JUMPING UP THE WATERFALL!! So Kruse and I started watching and there were all these fish, attempting to jump up this little mini waterfall, and it was the cutest thing I've ever seen! I know I'm easily amused, but it seriously made my day. Unfortunately I don't have evidence of this because my camera had died an hour earlier, but it really happened, I swear!!
Random synagogue ceiling picture:
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